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If Candy Wrote Poetry

If  Candy Wrote Poetry: Candy, from Candy, Sweet & Sour penned this poem in one of her notebooks.

To almost dance

--Sharpies to hands,

with the always of me

 enough--cut naked 

ever feel something?

At birth 


the just falling boxes 


Eleven--struggled, cigarette out-stretched 

Ninnies happen, and I gifts got. 

~~smelled hate 

Mama--teenage clothes,  broken freckles 

old beautiful she skin 

like always, normal a time again 

Do the old live on? 


usual be I eyed silly 

 Rebel teenager life

because mama pretty, fair 

never a saw would 

with just hands met by designing 

 start on under

 to up mirror I 

up at outta up--sneaking

for nobody out there?

and all this, my Abracadabra, the slow brother’s party

 from tough on only one arm,  porch girls

 looking mirror,

Daddy on my mind? On that mind?

 Psycho--so him steal more

old, too, I made light 

And the background, that porch party 

So Dale, my Ricky--younger 

trying damn old eyelids

 The blur is, I, high 

--love a shorty and I be down 

Remember I had marker eyes

drama Mama, I?

The scissors in bags for his eyes 

& drama house 

It old so I uplifted brothers

 felt little,

screamed as a girl, eleven, 

and fixed herself like love

Eyeing the bare junkyard sideways,

into the stealing dawn.

No one. No one, now.

Some day, some one!

Written from the perspective of Candy, from Candy, Sweet & Sour


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