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Candy Turns 1! Happy Belated Birthday!


I published my debut novel, Candy, Sweet & Sour, June 6, 2021 on Amazon Kindle and in paperback.

 To celebrate, get your copy FREE on Amazon kindle June 26th-June 27th, 2022!  Don't forget to leave your honest review!

That it has been over a year is astonishing, and yet it is even more astonishing that it hasn't been two or five years given the events over the past 12 months.  Ups and downs to be sure.

 In real life, Mama got sick and has been in intensive care.  After a couple of months, she is finally giving them heck in a rehabilitation facility, where she is cranky and tells her physical therapist she wants to sleep.  At night, she goes to the common areas like the recreation room and looks for flowers to rearrange and people to meet.

Mama's flower arrangement.

Mama picked these flowers in the garden.

Goats at my daddy's house.

Goats at my daddy's house.

Some of the inspiration for Candy in my sister/mama's room at my daddy's.

Me, out for a walk with loved ones on the Haw River near where I now call home.

There have been other personal tragedies and dramas that may or may not find themselves somehow reflected in upcoming works of fiction, but I will only say here that it feels like 2021-2022 has held a decade's worth of pain and trauma on the family front.

I am hard at work on the sequel to my first book, and I plan to post a few more sample chapters soon (after my upcoming beach retreat where I will learn to integrate movement in classrooms across content areas), and I am looking forward to using more kinesthetic learning in my work in my new role as MTSS Coach/Dropout Prevention Coordinator/English II teacher.  

Get your copy here!

Don't forget to leave me a review.


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